SKINfluencer Academy
Start a successful beauty business in seconds
What will you need for this?
Your focus - Yor curiosity - Mobile internet
What will you definitely NOT need?
An already existing customer base, prior investment, professional salesmanship, huge existing network of contacts.
We will offer you step-by-step training in how to appear on social media in a way to attract your potential customers: what makes a photo attractive, what it tells about you to your friends, and how you can create value and make money through this.
The concept in a nutshell
You will make money by being present on social media.
You will get to know the products of our partner company and share them through the digital channels and platforms you use.
You do not need to sell anything. Rather, you will have to create a presence that will make people buy from your virtual shop, even in more than one country, and have come to like your products, become recurrent customers thus generating continuous income for you.
Our webshop system makes sure that your satisfied customers buy from your webshop again and again, even without your personal cooperation after a while
Your mentor at the Skinfluenszer Academy will accompany you on your journey from day one.
Thanks to our well-proven teaching program, you can start making money even in the first week.
During practical training, you can master all the skills that are necessary for building up a successful „me-brand”.
The Academy will teach you:
the use of the necessary tools
how an influencer appears
how to use the algorithm
Would you test yourself?
What do you need to do?
Just share your phone number and e-mail address with us and we will get in touch with you within 24 hours.